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Paste images to Starlight pages with Visual Studio Code

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Local images using the standard Markdown ![alt](src) syntax in a Starlight documentation page (.md or .mdx file) are automatically optimized using the Astro Image Service API. It is recommended to store these images in the src/ directory, e.g. src/assets/ as files in the public/ directory are copied as-is into the build folder, without any processing.

If you are using Visual Studio Code to edit your documentation files, it is possible to configure it so that images pasted in a Markdown editor are automatically copied to the src/assets/ directory.


You will need to have an existing Starlight website and Visual Studio Code installed.

Configure Visual Studio Code

Considering this configuration is specific to Starlight and that the paths may vary depending on your project structure, it is recommended to configure Visual Studio Code for a specific project only, using workspace settings. These settings are stored at the root of your project in a .vscode/ directory and can be shared with other developers working on the same project.

Create or edit the .vscode/settings.json file to add the following configuration:

// Enable pasting files into a Markdown editor to create Markdown links.
"markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": true,
// Copy pasted media files into a Markdown editor to the workspace.
"markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "mediaFiles",
// Copy pasted files in documentation pages to the `src/assets/` directory.
"markdown.copyFiles.destination": {
"/src/content/docs/**/*": "/src/assets/"

With the above configuration, when pasting an image named demo.png in the src/content/docs/ file, it will automatically be copied to the src/assets/demo.png file and the Markdown syntax will be updated to use the new path.

title: My content page
![Alt text](../../../assets/demo.png)

Group images per page

For a better organization of your images, you can group them per page in a subdirectory of the src/assets/ directory. For example, all images used in the src/content/docs/ file can be stored in the src/assets/docs/example/ directory.

To do so, update the markdown.copyFiles.destination configuration to use the ${documentBaseName} variable in the destination path:

"markdown.copyFiles.destination": {
"/src/content/docs/**/*": "/src/assets/${documentBaseName}/"

With the above configuration, when pasting an image named demo.png in the src/content/docs/ file, it will automatically be copied to the src/assets/example/demo.png file.

Enable file dropping

You can also enable file dropping in the Markdown editor while holding the Shift key as an alternative to pasting images:

"markdown.editor.filePaste.enabled": true,
"markdown.editor.filePaste.copyIntoWorkspace": "mediaFiles",
// Enable dropping files into a Markdown editor to create Markdown links.
"markdown.editor.drop.enabled": true,
// Copy dropped media files into a Markdown editor to the workspace.
"markdown.editor.drop.copyIntoWorkspace": "mediaFiles",
"markdown.copyFiles.destination": {
"/src/content/docs/**/*": "/src/assets/"